Success Story: Whiz Kids

Coastside Baking

Whiz Kids: A Triumph of Innovation in San Luis Obispo


Location: Central Valley | San Luis Obispo County

Business Type: Retail, Toy Store

Small Business Center: Central California SBDC Network

Assistance Received: Training, Consulting

Visit Whiz Kids online

In the picturesque town of San Luis Obispo, California, a small but mighty business named Whiz Kids has become the talk of the town. Founded and led by Lesa Smith, this women-owned business has not only captured the hearts of locals but has also conquered the challenges that came with the digital age.
Whiz Kids started as a boutique store that offered unique and educational toys for children. Lesa, a passionate entrepreneur, envisioned creating a space where parents could find toys that not only entertained but also stimulated their children’s minds.

However, with the onset of the pandemic and the shift towards the digital realm, Lesa realized the need to adapt to the changing landscape. The once-thriving local business faced a new challenge: establishing a strong online presence. Lesa understood that having a website was no longer a luxury but a necessity for sustaining and expanding the business.

Despite the challenges, Lesa approached the transition with determination and an innovative mindset. She invested time in learning about website development, sought advice from industry experts with her local Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Whiz Kids embarked on a digital transformation journey, ensuring that their online presence mirrored the warmth and uniqueness of their physical store.

The website launch marked a turning point for Whiz Kids. Customers, both local and from afar, now had the convenience of browsing and purchasing their favorite toys from the comfort of their homes.

Lesa’s commitment to embracing change and her team’s dedication to delivering exceptional customer experiences have paid off. Whiz Kids not only survived the challenges posed by the digital shift but thrived in the online marketplace.

Updated: 12/14/2023

California Office of the Small Business Advocate
1325 J Street, Suite 1800

Sacramento, CA 95814
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